
Currently, we are dealing with an increasing number of crisis situations. The Covid-19 pandemic,the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border and the war in Ukraine are examples of very serious crisissituations that the Polish state must deal with. Optimal actions related to crisis response requireoptimization of actions in each phase of crisis management. The first two of them: preparationand prevention are of key importance for the functioning of crisis management entities and theentire environment in the response phase. However, the effort and resources expended at thisstage must be based on the principles of economy. The main purpose of the research, the results ofwhich are presented in the article, is the choice and critical evaluation of selected methods usefulin the implementation of the process related to the proper identification, analysis and assessmentof the risk of threats. The article presents a scientific solution to research problems: Which crisisthreats currently impose the greatest risk? Which methods can be used to identify, analyzeand assess these crisis threats? Which of these methods can make it possible to use the latesttechnological advances? How to adjust the pragmatics of conduct to effectively identify, analyzeand assess risks? The research process considers the latest technological achievements, includingartificial intelligence methods, the increase in computing power and its availability, as well as therequirements stemming from the current complexity of the political and economic and socialenvironment. Methods of analyzing literature, legal acts, normative and available statistical datawere used. The outcome of adopting the utilitarian objective is to identify potential areas of changein the approach to identifying, analyzing and assessing the risk of crisis situations in Poland.

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