
The purpose of the study: • To consider the factors influencing competitiveness of national economies in the global market. • Highlight features of Russia's macroeconomic development in terms of factors that increase its competitiveness. • Identify ways to overcome the backlog of Russia from the world's leading economies. Research methods. In the process of studying the problem were used General scientific methods of cognition, in particular: • the method of logical analysis, • method of economic analysis, • the method of structural-functional analysis • method of comparison. The results of the study. Analysis of major global trends and the impact they have on the economy of Russia, showed that the task of improving the country's competitiveness at the global level – the issue is complex, but achievable. Research of Russian and Western economists helped to identify the main factors that contribute to improving the country's competitiveness in the global market. Among the most significant are: 1. The political will of the state (as in foreign as in domestic policy). 2. The main aspects of the state policy aimed at strengthening the positive dynamics in the economy. Public policy can be aimed at increasing the educational level of workers and employees, the deepening of the innovative trends, support investment in real sector of economy, etc. 3. Infrastructure, which includes not only power supply, easy transportation links, but also the establishment of industrial zones. 4. Human capital, which guarantees the production of high quality products. The concept of human capital is embedded as the level of professionalism and their physical ability, health. The quality of human capital is provided by investment of the state in health and education. 5. The quality of the products and services, which are understood as meeting the expectations of consumers. This concept is complex, it includes both the technical characteristics of the product, and the degree of its environmental performance. Wisely using the existing Russian advantage, she is able to gradually align its economic development, increasing the international competitiveness of the economy, regardless of unfavorable foreign factors. Conclusion Thus, the economic and social stability of the Russian economy largely depends on the degree of its competitiveness at the international level. Highly competitive gives you the opportunity to attract investment, which is lacking in Russia today. The main task of the state is currently using existing competitive advantages, namely, the overcoming of the crisis due to the volume of the internal market, which can give a major stimulus to revive the economy. However, it is necessary to promote the growth of incomes of the population: the higher the income, the higher the purchasing power. Don't forget about small and medium business as the source of wealth. Entrepreneurs provided the competent public policy can create new jobs, to introduce high-tech development. Despite the fact that individual indicators Russia has good results in the Global GCI ranking, more problems than positive trends. If not promptly take steps to eliminate the economy on a new, innovative level, there is a risk damping economic growth and development of Russia in the colonial raw materials export, sample. Amid falling oil prices, it promises only problem. To the state under regulation of the economy and social life need to pay attention to the need to: • the fight against corruption, • reduction of bureaucratic barriers, • improving the efficiency of government bodies at all levels, • the soundness of fiscal policy, incentives for investment in the real sector of the economy. Scientific novelty In a rapidly changing economic environment of the world market, it is very important to respond quickly to the changes that occur in the world. Recent events have also shown the politicization of many economic decisions taken at the global level. Russia's task today is to respond adequately to the changes occurring in the world, protecting their economic interests. Consideration of the economic problems in Russia through the prism of global economic and political processes makes it possible to adjust economic policy so as to minimize the damage to the economy by sanctions, falling oil prices and other negative factors.

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