
Some scientists believe that global warming and the consequent climate change are inevitable results of slight deviations of the earth’s movement around its axis, majority of scientists stipulate that a greater bulk of the reason for global warming and climate change is accounted for by human activities that destroy the natural environment. Present study looks into the chain of events that lead to natural disasters with specific focus on quantifying the human contribution to these catastrophes. The centroid regression approach identifies the categories of countries that contribute most to the world’s CO2 emissions and determines the relationship among natural resource depletion (% forest area) and CO2 emission and forest land area. The fitted curve states that the CO2 emissions increases as the square of the fossil fuel usage by the countries so that those nations, particularly those belonging to the high and very high HDI which are highly developed, contribute tremendously to the level of CO2 emissions across the globe. The impact of human exploitative activities on the accelerated CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere led to natural disasters spawned by rising global temperatures increasing natural disaster mortality.

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