
Persons with cleft palate and harelip usually have specific language and articulation problems which are treated by specialized psychologists and speech therapists. However, they usually also have problems with dentition and vocal resonance that exacerbate the poor intelligibility of their speech. In addition, facial problems can cause others to express negative attitudes. This article deals with the psychological and behavioral repercussions of these verbal alterations. Among the most frequent consequences are: social anxiety, loneliness, shyness and lack of assertiveness, depressive thoughts, and low self-stem. In adolescents, for reactions to their environment can lead to problems of rejection, aggressiveness and defiant attitudes. These problems are relatively frequent in persons with any type of disability or unusual feature in their physical appearance. Preventive programs developed with and for parents and aimed at minimizing the psychological repercussions in the children with cleft palate and harelip are described

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