
For the first time, the morphological and thermal traits of the nests of the Aspidoscelis costata lizard are described in this study. All nests (n=23) were found under rocks, which were exposed directly to the sunlight. The rocks measured (Mean±1SE) 65.8±3.6cm in length, 43.7±2cm in width, and 28.7±3.2cm in height. The general shape of the nest was elliptical and measured 6.1±0.5cm in length, 4.4±0.4cm in width, and 2.4±2.4cm in height, while the depth of the chamber was 5.98±0.6cm. There was 1.7±0.3 nests per rock, 6.3±0.5 eggs per nest, and the eggs measured 1.5±0.02cm in length, 1.1±0.04cm in width, and weighed 0.92±0.08g. The mean temperature inside the nest was 28.4±0.2°C and ranged from 21.1°C to 38.5°C. Nesting occurred during the rainy season (June to September), which dampen the ambient temperature for the embryonic development of the Aspidoscelis costata lizard.

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