
BREEDING SYSTEMS AND POLLINATION OF THE PSYCHOTRIA CAPITATA RUIZ & PAVON (RUBIACEAE): A CASE THE TYPICAL DISTYLY IN CERRADO: The phenotypic integration observed in flowers is an evolutionary strategy that aims to increase the pollen flow between individuals, favoring the crossing and maintenance of genetic variability. This success is directly related to the floral structure, such as hermaphroditism, and to the behavior of visitors, and can generate conflicts between the floral structures, being selected characteristics that reduce this conflict and amplify the pollen flow, as is the case of heterostyly. The objective of the study was to describe the floral characteristics, the reproductive system, and pollination in Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pavon (Rubiaceae). For this purpose, the floral structures were measured and observed, controlled crossings were carried out, the floral visitors were observed and the nectar production was evaluated. Psychotria capitata is a typical dystylic species, shrub with a maximum height of 3 meters, with high rates of reciprocal hercogamy between the floral morphs. It has white tubular flowers, visited by a wide range of insects, including moths, bees, wasps and flies. There was higher fruit formation in intermorphic cross-pollination (> 60 %) and lower formation in intramorphic (< 20 %) and self-pollination (< 15 %), characterizing self and intramorphic incompatibility. These data were confirmed by the non growth of pollen tubes in self-pollinated pistils and intramorphic pollinators. Blooming is annual, and occurs between the months of October and January, with peak blooming in November and December. The reproductive data evaluated are similar to other Rubiaceae species in the Cerrado forest sub forest. These data enrich the reproductive knowledge of Rubiaceae's sub-forest species, so important for the maintenance of fauna in forest fragments.

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