
Information about daily catches of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus and red crab, C. bocourti, in Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, the Cienaga de la Virgen and Boca Cerrada with various craftsman fishing devices was gathered during seventeen months. As result, a bulk of capture of 583 t of crab (77.23% blue and red 22.84%) was collected, thus, from Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, 505 t (total 86.57%; blue 85.36% and red 14.64%) of crabs were captured from Cienaga de la Virgen, 25 t (total 4.37%: blue 20.21% and red 79.79%); and from Boca Cerrada 53 t (total 9.04%; blue 26.13% and red 73.87%). Regarding sizes measurement, from 6,049 (3,023 blue, 3,026 red) measured individuals, there was a range of 40 to 130 mm for blue crab and of 45 to 135 mm for red crab. Concerning sex distribution, in Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, at the entrance area, ranged from 7.85 to 8.69 males for each male of blue crab (F/M) and 8.82 to 9.35 F/M of red crab. At the point of Km 13 the rate was 0.21 F/M for blue and 0.18 H/M for red crab. At Cienaga de la Virgen, the sex rate was 2.44 (F/M) for blue crab and 1.65 F/M for red crab. Sexual distribution at Boca Cerrada was 0.41 F/M for blue crab and 0.43 F/M for red crab. The percentage relation of roe weight for blue crab showed a peak value in February and another, less outstanding, in September. On the other hand, red crab also showed a top value in February and a lower one another lower in August. The yields of blue and red crabs in meat content were accordingly 12.16% and 9.35%.

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