
e proclamation of independence (May 9/21, 1877) represented a decisive moment in the evolution of modern Romania, a prerequisite for the Romanian state unity. While the international status of Romania had been established by the 1856 Treaty of Paris, its independence had to be recognized by the seven signatory state powers whose reactions have varied according to their position concerning the „Eastern Question”. e proclamation of Romanian State Independence wasn’t well received by Europe, being accomplished without its will and even contrary to its interests due to the fact that the emancipation of small European peoples tendency, carried out without the consent of the great powers, was not well-regarded. e Romanian separation from the Ottoman Empire was an act of great courage, especially that this was implying the transformation of the whole European Political map. Although in Berlin, both Romania, as well as the other South-Eastern European states, have managed to obtain only small parts of their solicitations, the recognition of the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and the signi"cant improvement of the situation of the Bulgarians, through the creation of the Autonomous Principality of Bulgaria, had great importance. e recognition of the Romanian State Independence brought a new international statute, thus becoming both subject of international a#airs, as well as a matter of international law. is meant that Romania received, at least theoretically, legal equality with the other sovereign states, no state having the right to interfere in the a#airs carried out by the Romanian state, both internally, as well as externally. e Romanian diplomacy, enlivened by a deep patriotism, defended with dignity the interests of the tiny state which was representing in front of the diplomats of the great powers of the time, exponents of an unfavorable or even hostile foreign policy towards the small and medium-sized countries.

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