
Skin is a vital organ of communication with external world and has an eternal relationship with manas (i.e., psyche/mind). Therefore, a skin disease produces anxiety, depression and other psychological problems and affect the quality of life. Most of the skin disease treatment take long time to show their effects and has many side-effects. So, people are looking for new ways to improve their health and they are turning to natural remedies and ayurvedic treatments rather than pharmaceutical drugs. Ayurveda advises Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa for management of any health problems. Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktmokshana included under Panchashodhana mentioned in classics. Raktamokshana is a procedure indicated in conditions where vitiation of Rakta is present. Rakta and pitta have Ashrayashrayi Sambandha, so Raktamokshana is also beneficial in Pittaja disorders. Most of the skin conditions are considered due to vitiation of Rakta and Pitta. Among Raktamokshana procedure Jalaukavcharna is said to be most beneficial in Pitta predominance conditions.

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