
This study is aimed at investigating the mechanisms that should be implemented on asnaf riqab by focusing at some aspects, which are to (1) suggest groups that fulfill asnaf riqab’s criteria as outlined by fuqaha’ mutaakhirin. (2) to recommend the distribution of zakat funds to asnaf riqab in today’s world. These aspects are vital to be examined in order to be clear of the existence of asnaf riqab which if literally translated, means servant. In this study, three major hospitals in the state of Johor were analyzed through the Social Service Department to detect the extent of slavery and abuse that had occurred in our society. Data received was analyzed by means of qualitative method, in which the survey approach was implemented as the design of this study. The results revealed that there are eligible recipients who can be categorized as asnaf riqab like victims of molestation and rape, victims of child abuse, victims of domestic violence and abandoned patients. Those employed to administer the zakat should use the allocation for asnaf riqab to assist these recipients free themselves from the shackles that they are facing, in conjunction with the maqasid syariah on the act of zakat itself.

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