
Many applications produce acceptable results when their underlying computations are executed in an approximate manner. For such applications, approximate circuits enable hardware implementations that exhibit improved efficiency for a given quality. Previous efforts have largely focused on the design of approximate combinational logic blocks such as adders and multipliers. In practice, however, designers are concerned with the quality of outputs generated by a sequential circuit after several cycles of computation, rather than an embedded combinational block.We propose ASLAN (Automatic methodology for Sequential Logic ApproximatioN), the first effort towards the synthesis of approximate sequential circuits. Given a sequential circuit and an output quality constraint, ASLAN creates an approximate version of the circuit that consumes lower energy, while meeting the specified quality bound. The key challenges in approximating sequential circuits are (i) to model how errors due to approximations are generated, re-circulate through the combinational logic over multiple cycles of operation, and eventually impact quality of the final output, and (ii) to select the most beneficial approximations, i.e., those that result in higher energy savings for smaller impact on quality. ASLAN addresses the first challenge by constructing a virtual Sequential Quality Constraint Circuit (SQCC) and utilizing formal verification techniques to ensure that the selected approximations meet the quality constraint. To address the second challenge, ASLAN identifies combinational blocks in the sequential circuit that are amenable to approximation, generates local quality-energy trade-off curves for them, and uses a gradient-descent approach to iteratively approximate the entire sequential circuit.We used ASLAN to automatically synthesize approximate versions of ten sequential benchmarks, resulting in energy reductions of 1.20X-2.44X for tight quality constraints, and 1.32X-4.42X for moderate quality constraints. We present case studies of using the approximate circuits generated by ASLAN in two popular applications --- MPEG Encoding and K-Means Clustering --- obtaining 1.32X energy savings with 0.5% PSNR degradation, and 1.26X energy savings with 0.8% increase in mean cluster radius, respectively.

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