
Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal is the only member of the Annonaceae family growing in temperate zones and in particular it grows wild in the eastern United States, ranging from northern Florida to southern Ontario (Canada) and as far west as eastern Nebraska. In Italy Asimina triloba is frequently grown for ornamental effort in parks and gardens, although the cultivation and subsequent introduction of the fruits on the market could be strategic from an economic point of view to find new high-value crops to replace the old ones that are losing value considering their good source of polyphenols as well as apples, oranges, grapes, and strawberries.In this study, physical and chemical properties quality traits (i.e., color, weight, dry matter, flesh firmness, soluble solid content, anti radical capacity determination, total phenolic content, total flavans content) of six cultivars were investigated during two crop years. In addition, a principal component analysis (PCA) was calculated to evaluate the cultivars similarity and stability during the two crop years. Finally, correlation studies among all traits and CIELab coordinates were also investigated.The results showed significant differences in physical and chemical properties in relation to the cultivar and crop years, highlighting the best and most stable cultivars, as Taylor, from a pomological point of view and NC1, from a nutraceutical point of view. PCA allowed to discriminate across the crop years cultivars that were richer in bioactive compounds and showed better qualitative parameters. These outcomes could increase consumer interest and promote the cultivation of specific Asimina triloba cultivars in Italy.

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