
After a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 on the Richter Scale with a hypocenter of 10 km and an epicenter of about 70 km north of Palu City, precisely in Lende Village, Sirenja District, Donggala Regency, it caused damage and collapse of buildings due to vibrations, fractures of down lifts and up lifts around the fault trajectory. Palu-Koro. Damage and failure of high-rise and non-rise buildings occurred in Palu City, Donggala City, and Parigi City. Damage to the building can be categorized as light, moderate or heavy damage, so it is deemed necessary to conduct an assessment according to the applicable requirements both on a national scale (using the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing's 2010 form) and an international form (using a form from the World Bank). This activity aims to determine the level of damage and post-earthquake handling in the form of minor repairs, reinforcement and repair of structural and non-structural elements. There are 6 (six) main buildings in the 3 (three) areas that have been assessed to determine the category of damage and actions for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Damage to the building structure with the category of Light Damage occurred in the Palu City DPRD Office building, the Donggala Regent and DPRD Office and the Anuntaloko Parigi Hospital Inpatient Building. Those that were moderately damaged were the Palu Mayor's Office building and the Parigi Moutong DPRD office. The damaged buildings still allow for repairs and reinforcement according to the level of damage. The repair and strengthening of buildings in order to get good results must be carried out with the right method, good materials and tools and technology and carried out by experienced workers with high qualifications


  • After a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 on the Richter Scale with a hypocenter of 10 km and an epicenter of about 70 km north of Palu City, precisely in Lende Village, Sirenja District, Donggala Regency, it caused damage and collapse of buildings due to vibrations, fractures of down lifts and up lifts around the fault trajectory

  • non-rise buildings occurred in Palu City

  • conduct an assessment according to the applicable requirements

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Khususnya gempa tektonik selain merupakan suatu peristiwa yang menimbulkan ketakutan dan trauma sesungguhnya merupakan peristiwa yang dapat diambil pembelajarannya [1-4]. Pada tahun 2010 Indonesia telah memperkenalkan peta zonasi gempa yang baru, peta ini terus mengalami pemutahiran karena magnitudo dan intensitas gempa yang terus meningkat [9-11]. Peta ini nantinya akan dimasukkan pada peraturan perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa yang baru menggantikan peraturan perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa yang lama (SNI-1726, tahun 2002 menjadi tahun 2018). Secara umum peta zonasi gempa yang baru ini cenderung akan memberikan beban gempa yang lebih besar pada bangunan dibandingkan dengan yang ditentukan dalam peraturan gempa yang lama tersebut [12]. Hal ini menjadi “warning” bagi semua stakeholder di wilayah ini untuk secara berkelanjutan melakukan proses mitigasi bencana gempa bumi [13]. Pasca Gempa Padagimo (Palu, Donggala, Sigi dan Parigi Moutong) pada 28 September 2018 masih menyisakan permasalahan yaitu masih ada bangunan yang belum dilakukan asesmen kondisi kerusakan pasca gempa. Hal ini juga terjadi untuk bangunan Pemda di Kota Palu, Kota Parigi dan Perkantoran Pemda Donggala [14]

Lokasi Penelitian
Metode dan Tahapan Penelitian
Hasil dan Pembahasana
Kantor DPRD Donggala 5 Kantor DPRD Parigi
St1 St2 St4 St6 St8 St9 St10 NSt1 NSt2
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