
A 58 years old male consulted to his practitioner due to long evolution and continuous abdominal pain with non constantdiarrhea. His medical history includes chronic ischemic cardiopathy, atrial flutter, hypertension, bilateral hip prosthesis. Acolonoscopy was performed finding no abnormalities. The scanner showed an infiltrative mesenteric mass of 7 x 14 cmwith undefined margins which contacted with pancreatic cephalic portion and uncinate process (Fig. 1). A MRI dismissedlocal and linfovascular infiltration. The study was completed with a FNA cytology guided by EUS being positive for neoplasticcells, suggesting pancreatic adenocarcinoma moderately differentiated. After this diagnosis cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomywas performed.Postoperative evolution was good with a pancreatic leak solved with medical measures. Further anatomical pathologyanalysis demonstrated pancreatic ascariasis with fibrocaseous nodules and abscess affecting cephalic pancreas and transversemesocolon (Fig. 2). There were no tumor cells founded in the surgical specimen. The patient was treated with albendazole400 mg.

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