
Ayurveda has a comprehensive approach towards lifestyle disorders. Prevalence of lifestyle disorders, such as hypertension, DM, CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome), obesity, CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) etc. are rising alarmingly in recent era due to stressful sedentary lifestyle. The ayatana Asatmyendriyartha Samyoga, Prajnaparadha and Parinama are the common causative factors for both exogenous and endogenous types of diseases. Hence, it can be stated that these are causative factors for Trividha Dosha Prakopa. Trividha Vikalpa of these ayatana i.e. Atiyoga, Ayoga and Mithya yoga, these are responsible for manifestation of diseases, depending on the specific nature of causative factor and also the specificity of the Dhatu vaishamya. Therefore it can be said that these factors causes disturbance in equilibrium of Dosha, dhatu & mala resulting in lifestyle disorders. Remodeling & adoption of unhealthy Ahara-Vihara leads to various lifestyle disorders. Firstly, they lead to the imbalance of body / mind by vitiation principles, which makes the body prone to diseases, no matter whether it is an infection, manifestation of hereditary inclination or life style disorders. Hence an attempt has been made in this paper to understand the concept of life style disorder in terms of Ayurveda. Asatmyendriyartha samyoga refers to improper contact of the senses with their objects, and hence results in an over stimulation or deficiency of sensory and motor activity which leads to life style disorders.

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