
This article analyzes the inheritance practices carried out by the community in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency Based on Islamic Law. The research method used is a sociological legal research that discusses the application of positive law regarding the practice of community inheritance in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The results showed: a. The community in Bantan Subdistrict turned out to be wrong in understanding the principle of balanced justice which was considered to be contrary to the sense of justice for the heirs. They understand the principle of balanced justice must be in the same sense. Whereas the meaning of the principle is that each heir, both male and female, has the same rights in obtaining inheritance rights. Men get more rights which do not mean unfair, but in Islamic law it stipulates that men are responsible for the burden of the family; b. The community in Bantan District in understanding radd in Islamic law does not fully refer to the KHI which is a reference in determining the law. They divide radd based only on habits that can be shared with the heirs who want it or the mosque; c. The community in Bantan Subdistrict considers that the heirs who passed away first from the heir, cannot be replaced by the heir's child. Whereas based on Article 185 paragraph (1) the KHI position of the heir can be replaced by the offspring of both male and female.


  • Hasan Basri dan Muhammad Azani, Asas Keadilan Dan Ahli Waris Pengganti Dalam Praktik Kewarisan Masyarakat Berdasarkan Hukum Islam Dikecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis

  • Bengkalis Regency Based on Islamic Law

  • a sociological legal research that discusses the application of positive law regarding the practice of community inheritance in Bantan District

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Pengadilan Agama berwenang memeriksa dan menyelesaikan

Pembagian warisan bagi orang-orang yang beragama Islam. Hukum Waris menurut KUHPerdata (BW) bagi orang Islam memilih Hukum Waris menurut KUHPerdata (BW) atau Hukum Waris Islam, dan bagi orang-orang Bumi Putera Islam, dapat memilih Hukum Waris Islam atau Hukum Waris Adat. Beberapa desa di Kecamatan Bantan, konflik tanah warisan bermula pada perbedaan perspektif yaitu perspektif hukum waris adat, hukum waris Islam dan hukum waris perdata nasional. Konflik tanah waris dapat terus berkembang dan meluas di masyarakat kecamatan Bantan yang berdampak hukum. Masyarakat di beberapa desa di kecamatan Bantan pada umumnya belum memahami makna hukum waris secara benar baik dalam perspektif hukum waris adat maupun hukum waris Islam (KHI). Objek Penelitian penelitian terdiri atas kaidah hukum waris berdasarkan hukum Islam dan praktik kewarisan masyarakat di Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, yakni pengamatan terhadap praktik kewarisan masyarakat Kecamatan Bantan, wawancara Nonstruktur, yakni wawancara yang ditujukan kepada subjek penelitian, dan kajian pustaka, yakni mengkaji berbagai referensi tentang hukum waris yang terdapat pada buku-buku, jurnal ilmiah, dan hasil-hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan penelitian ini. Dalam menarik kesimpulan digunakan metode induktif, yakni menarik kesimpulan dari pernyataan yang bersifat khusus ke dalam pernyataan yang bersifat umum

Hasil dan Pembahasan
Kewarisan Islam dalam Lingkungan Adat
Masyarakat di Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten
Daftar Bacaan
Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor
Kewarisan Islam Dan Hukum
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi
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