
In this paper, I present an overview of the main issues brought about by different interpretations of the concept of beautiful form troughtout the Critique of aesthetical judgment, first part of the Critique of Judgment. I start presenting the beautiful form as it is defined in the Introductions, keeping in mind the specif purpose of this part of the text, which is to introduce the faculty of judgment into Kant’s broader sistematic critical project. In a second moment, I analize the ways the beautiful form is portrayed in the Analytic of the Beautiful, especially in the third moment, in which this concept is, for the first time in the work, put in direct reference to the object of the judgment of taste. Finally, in view of the debate between Allison and Guyer on a possible restrictive formalism in Kant’s theory of taste, I present my final conclusions on how we ought to conceive the beautiful form in the Critique of Judgment.

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