
Introduction:In Sweden, during specialty training, the nurse anesthetist learns how to ensure patient safety in a health-care setting by implementing the surgical checklist measures during perioperative care. To date, there are still considerable shortcomings when it comes to implementing these patient safety measures in Swedish hospitals.Aim:The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the WHO surgical safety checklist (WHOSSC) by surgical teams, with special emphasis on nurse anesthetists to increase patient safety.Materials and Methods:This descriptive questionnaire-based study was performed between September 2018 and March 2019 and included 196 health-care professionals who completed the questionnaire. The survey was carried out among all the health-care professionals at two surgical units at a university hospital during the data collection period.Results:The results reveal that the majority of health-care staff in this study agree with the need to implement the WHOSSC during surgery and the necessity of doing so to ensure patient safety. However, it is not clear whether this checklist needs to be made a matter of routine at the clinics and whether this is possible in emergency situations.Conclusion:The nurse anesthetists, as members of the surgical team, use the list all the time in emergency situations and conclude, like other members of the team, that the list improves patient safety. Clearer procedures are needed during surgery regarding the usage of the checklist in practice, and there should be a designated person in the surgical team responsible for implementing the checklist.

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