
This paper sets out to examine how Wole Soyinka uses art in his first novel, The Interpreters to reflect the post-colonial issues that affect individuals in the newly independent state of Nigeria. It begins by illuminating Wole Soyinka as a unique artist who experiments with all genres of literature. The paper then discusses Artistry in The Interpreters but limiting the study to plot, characterisation and his style of narration. This paper draws interest in the society as portrayed in the text. We see a society which is experiencing a gradual drifting from the traditional ways of life to the modern, though in a confused manner because their world view of the contemporary world is suppressed by the systems put by the post-colonial government. The interpreters are an epitome of the broader community, which is experiencing changes in their country. The paper brings out an argument that with the creation of post-colonial society come different personalities with different responses to the situation.

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