
The object of research in this article is an essay by Fyodor Ivanovich Chudakov (1888-1918) "Towards the Clouds" (1909); the subject of research is the techniques of theatricalization, which was chosen by the author as a narrative strategy. The internal organization of the work (composition, image system, conflict) is based on dramatic principles, which makes the narrative as visualized as possible, and also brings it closer to the reader, who becomes not only a spectator, but also an accomplice of the events described. Descriptive and structural-semantic methods are used in the work. The methodological basis was the research of E. S. Dobin, N. M. Zavarnitsyna, V. E. Khalizeva.  The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that this essay is being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In addition, the novelty is due to the use of an interdisciplinary approach when referring to the prose work of F. I. Chudakov: the analysis of the work is based on the study of linguistic units of various levels. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: synthesizing the typological features of the epic and dramatic, F. I. Chudakov solves an important aesthetic task – considers the inner world of a person through fixing its external manifestations. To solve this problem, the writer uses various theatrical techniques that create the so-called presence effect: situational speech of the characters not commented on by the author; detailing the appearance of the characters, landscape elements; endowing descriptions with sound and coloristic details; inappropriate direct speech (the effect of "first-person cinema").

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