
The initial provisions of scientific research in the field of art history and creative-pedagogical experience of O. S. Tymoshenko are analyzed, which provided the opportunity to substantiate the meaning of the concept artistry of the vocalist. It was found that this phenomenon should be considered from the standpoint of genetics and genesis. It was found that this phenomenon should be considered from the standpoint of genetics and genesis. The content of general and specific features of each type of vocalist's artistry is highlighted, thanks to which the transfer of information to listeners/spectators in the process of stage performances is further strengthened. It is proved that the imperfection of this component of the vocalist's performing abilities not only weakens the transmission of the necessary musical information, but also leads to an inadequate perception of the author's intention. There are described maintenance concepts abilities of vocalist, that are characterized not legacy, but purchased ability of personality to send cognitive resources to the rapid searching for of receptions of the visual strengthening of transmission to the listeners/spectators of figuratively-emotional maintenance of piece of music by facilities of reincarnation in a concerto stage character, and also mimic and stage motions. Two types of artistic abilities of a vocalist are considered — verbal and nonverbal. The general and specific features of their manifestation are determined. The general features include the perfection of mental processes (attention, imagination and thinking), emotional and volitional states. Specific features of manifestation of the verbal type of artistic skills of the vocalist are: the expressiveness of sound of the voice and its timbre, which directly depends on the innate properties of the performing apparatus and the technique of sound production; logic of construction of melodic-rhythmic lines in flexible intonation-phrase development. It was found that the specific features of the verbal form of artistic abilities of the vocalist are associated with the stage transformation into a newly created emotional and semantic image of the musical work, its speed, adequacy, mobility, truthfulness, sincerity, culture, self-esteem and more. It is proved that the basis of the manifestation of the non-verbal type of artistic abilities of the vocalist is provided by the ability to communicatively influence the listeners/spectators in the process of stage music performance due to facial expressions and movements. Its specific features are associated with naturalness, plasticity, sophistication and emotional saturation of facial and stage movements.

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