
The subject of this research is the artistic comprehension of life and creative path of A. Akayev in the works of Kumyk writers. The object of this research is the poem “Flame” by the prominent Kumyk poet B. Magomedov. The author explores the place and role of A. Akayev in the history of spiritual culture of the Kumyk people and other peoples of Dagestan; evolution of the traditions of artistic comprehension of life and creative path of the outstanding Kumyk writers (including Abusufyan) in the history of Kumyk literature; and the deleterious influence of the consequences of Stalin's repressions on the spiritual life of the people later on. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the problematic and literary peculiarities of the poem. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the history of Kumyk literature features such figures, whose life and creative path have become the object of not only literary studies, but also the object of their artistic comprehension; 2) over a dozen Kumyk authors dedicated their works to the artistic comprehension life and creative path of A. Akayev, among which B. Magomedov’s poem “Flame” holds a special place.. The author’s contribution to this research consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of one of the best in ideological and artistic aspect compositions of Kumyk literature of the post-Soviet period. The novelty is defined by the fact that this problem has not previously become the subject of special research.

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