
Artistic ceramics, as a genre of professional decorative arts, being actively practiced in the second half of the twentieth century by a small number of artists in the Republic of Moldova, has seen an upward evolution, resulting in original achievements. The article examines the changes in the art of ceramics of the Republic during the first decade of the 21st century that have not been explored so far. As a result of the analysis of the art works, a number of thematic and aesthetic aspects were identified that reflect the creative goals and stylistic preferences of artists working in the considered period of time. The article examines the morphological features of the composition of the artistic shape of the ceramic artworks. Special atention is paid to the influence of technological methods of operation with ceramic materials (classical and mixed techniques) on achieving the aesthetic and semantic values of the ceramic artworks. An important place is reserved in the study to the principles of creative processing of folk motifs and the analysis of stylistic innovations that played an important role in achieving a meaningful image of the ceramic works of the time.


  • The article examines the changes in the art of ceramics of the Republic during the first decade of the 21st century that have not been explored so far

  • As a result of the analysis of the art works, a number of thematic and aesthetic aspects were identified that reflect the creative goals and stylistic preferences of artists working in the considered period of time

  • The article examines the morphological features of the composition of the artistic shape of the ceramic artworks

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Dimensiunea identitară și, în același timp, noile tendințe artistice din domeniul ceramicii au stat la ordinea zilei și în activitatea artistică exersată de către plasticianul Oleg Dobrovolschi, care prin abordarea consecventă a anumitor teme și-a orientat interesele plastice în arealul unor paradigme conceptual-stilistice actuale. Valorile menționate sunt promovate artistic de modul de tratare iconografică a configurației formei pieselor, particularitățile cromatice, semnificațiile generate de textura fină inserată organic în masa corpurilor ceramice, textura „cicatrizantă”, obținută prin incizare forțată și, nu în ultimul rând, de materialul sticlos ce suplimentează iminent mesajul generat de operă cu acorduri asociative de rezonanță.

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