
The article provides a complete stylistic analysis of the text of the novel by the Yakut classic writer Nikolai Mordinova - Amma Achchygyia "Springtime" ("Saasky kem") and the artistic and stylistic features of the work were revealed. The epic novel "Springtime" is called the encyclopedia of the Yakut pre-revolutionary life. In it, the author authentically reflected the way of life, customs and culture of his people, convincingly showed the awakening during the formation of Soviet power in remote Yakutia. The work went through about 10 editions in Yakut, Russian, and is translated into Ukrainian, Hungarian and Czech. It is known that in the history of Yakut literature there are two editions of the novel: the first edition, published in 1944 without amendment, and the second, corrected and supplemented, which received wide recognition from readers and declared itself as a classic canon of the epic novel of the Soviet period. The language and style of the novel "Springtime" has its own unique, artistic and aesthetic features. It is noticeable that in the second edition the author worked diligently on the text of the work: the reader admires the artistic depiction and the richness of his native language. Especially in the first and third parts of the novel, stylistic figures of speech (actualization, anaphora, anaepiphora, antipophora, antithesis, homeology, gradation, concatenation, epiphora, etc.) are often found, generating verbal harmony and a special style of the writer. The speech of the characters, monologues and dialogues. are also conveyed in the literary-processed colloquial language of that time. It must be admitted that the language and style of Nikolai Mordinov - Amma Achchygyia is the canon of the Yakut literary language and serves as a vivid example for many writers of modern literature.

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