
Artistic and aesthetic ideas in “Plays” for two pianos by P. Dambis


  • In the Piece Nr. 2, the play-dialogue unfolds in the image stylistic space of romanticism, creating an allusion to the famous “La Campanella” by F

  • Whereas Piano I part goes in B-dur and its melody is perceived as an allusion to the second movement of Schumann’s Kreisleriana, in Piano II part, we see harmonious figuration of polytonal connections: G major - Fis-dur

  • The Piece Nr. 5 is composed in the competitive spirit between sonorous effects, which is typical for the final sections, and the traditional vocabulary of metric music

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Досліджується серія п’єс для двох фортепіано латвійського композитора П. Исследуется серия пьес для двух фортепиано латвийского композитора П. The first series dates back to 1973–1974 and includes three contrasting pieces that have different image and style reference. The second series of “Plays” (1975–1976) includes two Pieces; it continues with the variety of previously embodied constructive motifs, it outlines them more sharply through the opposing ensemble parts. The Piece Nr. 5 is composed in the competitive spirit between sonorous effects, which is typical for the final sections, and the traditional vocabulary of metric music. Dambis embodies sonority and aleatory techniques in different ways either through creating the necessary effect by using an unregulated overlay of diachromatic sequences or interval structures, or through combining them with the traditional rhythm and metric methods of writing. We can observe a theatrical play with different characters involved, which is enhanced with the comic techniques

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