
The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the paintings of the amateur artist of the period of socialist realism Mykola Bezdilny and to draw parallels with the professional art of the 1970s and 1980s. Methodology. Methods of systematization, art analysis, historical and comparative methods are applied. The scientific novelty is to identify the influence of centralized creative structures of the second half of the twentieth century for the self-realization of artists who acquired creative skills in their own way. In particular, the figure of the artist Mykola Bezdilny was chosen for the analysis as a bright representative of the amateur Ternopil region, who showed the ability to admire not only different genres and types of fine arts but also constantly analyze other interpretations of the painting, "try", "move" in technical and philosophical and aesthetic terms. The obtained results are important for further research of the problems of amateur and amateur fine arts in Ukraine. Conclusions. It is determined that M. Bezdilny, as a bright representative of socialist-realist amateur art, reached a high level of painting due to systematic work and interaction with professional painting. It focused on the true essence of the work, its depth, the transfer of harmony of nature, rather than the external beauty of the picture. Against the background of features that are characteristic of the work of many amateur artists and amateurs revealed a clear tendency of M. Bezdilny to his favorite plot, composition, constant change of sound of paint, attempts at impressionistic dynamic brushstroke, and complex color.


  • The figure of the artist Mykola Bezdilny was chosen for the analysis as a bright representative of the amateur Ternopil region, who showed the ability to admire different genres and types of fine arts and constantly analyze other interpretations of the painting, "try", "move" in technical and philosophical and aesthetic terms

  • The obtained results are important for further research of the problems of amateur and amateur fine arts in Ukraine

  • Аналізуючи велике надбання українського реалістичного живопису, не зациклюючись на тому, що легко далося, він пробував себе різноманітно, постійно «шукаючи», і завдяки систематичній праці досягнув високого художнього рівня живописних творів

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As a bright representative of socialist-realist amateur art, reached a high level of painting due to systematic work and interaction with professional painting. Яскравим представником самодіяльності в галузі образотворчого мистецтва є особливий художник, живописець, творчість якого є достатньо багатогранною і позначеною особливою міткою як художника настрою, колориту і глибини. Будучи методистом з образотворчого і декоративно-прикладного мистецтва обласного будинку народної творчості, він особисто спілкувався з митцем, працював з ним на пленерах, організовував виставки робіт художника.

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