
In this study, definition aesthetic and roles of artist and audience/participant in interactive art, requiring interdisciplinary methods and cooperation have been examined. In this context publications such as books, articles and papers related to interactive art, which is associated with many sub-titles such as performance art and digital art have been searched. The findings have been interpreted through performances, installations, digital art and game examples since the 2000s. Interactive art encompasses incomplete artistic forms, interdisciplinarity, society, communication, the environment and new media technologies. In interactive art, open to changeable meanings with the influence of the participant, a human-centered design planner has been mentioned instead of the genius of the artist. However, in interactive art, the artist plans what the participant perceives and reacts to. This plan is made with interdisciplinary cooperation and shows uncertain formations with the contribution of the participant. The definitions of creativity, art, aesthetics of art and the artist have been deconstructed and have gained a universal, fluid and indefinite quality. In interactive art, which includes interdisciplinarity, society, communication and the environment, incomplete artistic forms and human-centered design planner open to changeable meanings with the influence of the participant, rather than the genius of the artist, have been mentioned.

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