
Human memory is closely concern with a perfume. A perfume is a liquid mixture used to emit a pleasant odour. It is formed from fragrant of oil that is essentials derived from plants and spices or synthetic aromatic compounds. Some common examples of unforgettable smell are smell of curry made by mother or the specific perfume used by favorite teacher. With some well-known advantages like mood enhancement, boost confidence, aphrodisiac, triggers memory, aroma-therapy and cures headache. A person’s fragrance is good indication of his/her personality. Perfume makes us feel good or bad. The very first use of perfumes goes back thousands of years. The Egyptians used plants gum and resins in religious rites. As the years went by, scented substances were used to enhance body attractiveness and make home and public places more pleasant. Application areas of usage of perfumery are education, biotech, medical, cosmetics, housekeeping and many more. We can store, send and receive the perfume digitally by using digital scent synthesizer like devices. This might become interesting for keeping scent in memory, not only human memory but artificial memory also. The perfumes are getting recognized now a day on digital medium and becoming new channel in multimedia. In psychological study it is stated that our emotions are affected by perfume. Up to this moment we are digitally challenged only by sense of sight, touch and sound, now this technology makes us focus on sense of taste and smell.

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