
1: Accelerator Experiments in Space.- The Use of Artificial Electron Beams as Probes of the Distant Magnetosphere.- Recent Observations of Beam Plasma Interactions in the Ionosphere and a Comparison with Laboratory Studies of the Beam Plasma Discharge.- Charged Particle Measurements from a Rocket-borne Electron Accelerator Experiment.- On the Use of Artificially Injected Energetic Electrons as Indicators of Magnetospheric Electric Fields Parallel to the Magnetic Lines of Force.- The French-Soviet Experiments ARAKS: Main Results.- Wave Excitation in Electron Beam Experiment on Japanese Satellite JIKIKEN (EXOS-B).- Plasma Waves and Electrical Discharges Stimulated by Beam Operations on a High Altitude Satellite.- Plasma Diagnostics by Electron Guns and Electric Field Probes on ISEE-1.- Stimulation of Plasma Waves by Electron Guns on the ISEE-1 Satellite.- Evidence for Beam-Stimulated Precipitation of High Energy Electrons.- Highlights of the Observations in the POLAR 5 Electron Accelerator Rocket Experiment.- Observations of Plasma Heating Effects in the Ionosphere by a Rocket-borne Electron Accelerator.- Plasma Waves Produced by the Xenon Ion Beam Experiment on the Porcupine Sounding Rocket.- The EXCEDE SPECTRAL Artificial Auroral Experiment: An Overview.- Onboard Radiometric Photography of EXCEDE SPECTRAL's Ejected Electron Beam.- General Discussion on Accelerator Experiments in Space.- 2: Natural Beam Plasma Interactions in Space.- Observations of Non-linear Processes in the Ionosphere.- Interaction between Natural Particle Beams and Space Plasmas.- 3: Accelerator Experiments in the Laboratory.- Laboratory Simulation of Injection of Particle Beams in the Ionosphere.- The NASA Space Environment Simulation Laboratory.- Visible Signatures of the Multi-step Transition to a Beam-Plasma-Discharge.- Electron Energy Distribution Produced by Beam-Plasma-Discharge.- Time-dependent Plasma Behavior Trigged by a Pulsed Electron Gun under Conditions of Beam-Plasma-Discharge.- Ignition of the Beam-Plasma-Discharge and its Dependence on Electron Density.- Plasma Waves Stimulated by Electron Beams in the Lab and in the Auroral Ionosphere.- Studies of Beam-Plasma Interactions in a Space Simulation Chamber Using Prototype Space-Shuttle Instruments.- Transient Effects in Beam-Plasma Interactions in a Space Simulation Chamber Stimulated by a Fast Pulse Electron Gun.- Description of the Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP) for the OSS-1 Shuttle Mission and JSC Plasma Chamber Test in Conjunction with the Fast Pulse Electron Gun (FPEG).- Radial Dependence of HF Wave Field Strength in the BPD Column.- Laboratory Beam-Plasma Interactions - Linear and Nonlinear.- Electromagnetic Radiation from Beam-Plasma Instabilities.- Electron Beam Injection and Associated Phenomena as Observed in a Large Space Simulation Chamber.- General Discussion on Accelerator Experiments in the Laboratory.- 4: Theoretical Aspects of The Beam Plasma Interactions.- Theory of Beam Plasma Discharge.- Electron Beam as a Source of Electrostatic Waves.- Spontaneous Emission of a Charged Particle Beam Inside a Plasma: Coherent and Incoherent Aspects.- The Beam-Plasma Discharge under Space-like Conditions.- Plasma Waves Generated by Rippled, Magnetically Focused Electron Beams Surrounded by Tenuous Plasmas.- 5: Neutralization of a Charged Body in Space.- Charge Neutralization as Studied Experimentally and Theoretically.- Experimental Studies of the Neutralization of a Charged Vehicle in Space and in the Laboratory in Japan.- Electric Field Observations of Time Constants Related to Charging and Charge Neutralization Processes in the Ionosphere.- Measurements of Vehicle Potential Using a Mother-Daughter Tethered Rocket.- General Discussion on Neutralization of a Charged Body in Space.- 6: Future Plans.- Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators (SEPAC).- The Norwegian Program Using Particle Accelerators in Space.- The Artificially Injected Charged Particles as a Tool for the Measurement of the Electric Field in the Magnetosphere.- General Discussion on Future Experiments.- Participants.

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