
Abstract: There had been a giant leap in the field of educations from the past 1–2 years. Education institutes are transitioning online to provide more resources to their students. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided student more opportunities to acquire knowledge and improve themselves at their own pace. These Online proctoring services (part of assessment) are also on the hike, and Artificial Intelligence based Smart Examination proctoring systems (henceforth called as AISEPS) have taken the market by tempest. Online Proctoring system (hence called as OPS), in general, it makes use of internet tools to maintain the sanctity of the examinations. While most of the software uses various modules, the sensitive information they collect raises concerns among the student communities. There are various psychological, cultural and technological parameters that needs to be considered while developing AISEPS. Major issues includes Security, Privacy and ethical concerns, It is difficult to know whether the benefits of these Online Proctoring technology outweigh their risks. Our AISEPS allows users to take exam online in a more secured environment, AI interfaced in the system that allows user to monitor their exam and generate report which is need for hour.

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