
Intelligence aids in choosing which data to analyze and how to do so, ensuring that users have accurate, timely, and easily accessible information when making decisions. The use of intelligent solutions enables businesses to make well-informed decisions, gain competitive advantages, and utilize information to respond quickly and effectively to changes. Why couldn't the same principles be applied to assessing the specific needs of people with disabilities? Modern systems can ensure the availability of relevant data for determining the individual needs of a person with disabilities. Based on these data, accurate analyses can be conducted, providing the opportunity to identify impairments attributable to the disabilities. The report proposes an approach to extracting knowledge based on data collected through the application of the Methodology for Conducting Individual Assessments of Support Needs for People with Disabilities and extracting knowledge from the experts working in the social support agency. Software tools have been proposed to combine the two types of knowledge. This research was funded by the NPI-65/2023 project "Artificial Intelligence to Help People with Disabilities in Ensuring Digital Accessibility in the Higher Education Learning Process".

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