
The fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and healthcare heralds a new era of innovation and transformation, yet it is not without its ethical quandaries. This comprehensive review traverses the intricate landscape where AI meets healthcare, delving into the ethical dilemmas that arise alongside practical applications. The ethical considerations span a spectrum, encompassing issues of patient privacy, transparency, accountability, and the inadvertent perpetuation of biases within AI algorithms. Privacy concerns emerge as a central ethical dilemma as healthcare providers leverage AI to process vast amounts of patient data. Striking a delicate balance between harnessing the power of AI for diagnostic and predictive purposes and safeguarding sensitive medical information is a critical challenge. Moreover, the review scrutinizes the ethical implications of AI algorithms and their potential to perpetuate biases, inadvertently exacerbating health disparities. A nuanced examination of bias mitigation strategies becomes imperative to ensure that AI technologies contribute to equitable healthcare outcomes. In tandem with ethical considerations, the review illuminates the practical applications reshaping the healthcare landscape. AI-driven diagnostics, predictive modeling, and personalized treatment plans emerge as transformative tools, enhancing clinical decision-making and patient outcomes. The efficient allocation of resources, streamlined workflows, and the acceleration of drug discovery processes showcase the tangible benefits of AI integration. This review aspires to guide healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and technologists in navigating the ethical crossroads of AI in healthcare. By fostering an awareness of ethical pitfalls and emphasizing responsible AI development, stakeholders can collaboratively shape a future where AI augments healthcare delivery, upholds ethical standards, and ultimately improves the quality of patient care.
 Keywords: AI, Healthcare, Ethics, Review, AI Application.

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