
The world today revolves around data. It is crucial to protect data from Cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity protects networks, programs, and devices, but cyber threats increase every day. Traditional algorithms cannot combat them. Defensive strategies used by professionals are failing. This has led to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - to enhance cybersecurity. Subsequently, AI models need explicit network safety guard and assurance advancements to battle antagonistic AI, protect AI security and secure united learning. So forth, given the over two perspectives, we audit the convergence of AI and digital protection today. AI has become a part of human life. It is a representation of how humans think, reacts, learns, and works. It can be used for speech recognition, intelligent robots, gaming, etc., but it can also be used for destructive purposes. A routine task performed using AI can be hacked, leading to task alteration or stealing of data. This study discusses artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, various possible solutions, and potential threats. It also explores if these threats could be eliminated or mitigated.

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