
The occurrence of various devices that are interlinked to provide advanced connectivity throughout the systems revolves around the formation of 5G systems. Artificial Intelligence plays a fundamental role in the 5G networks. The popularity and integration of 5G have emerged through advanced cellular networks and many other technologies. This innovative and speedy network has built strong connections in recent years, its conduct in business, personal work, or daily life. Artificial Intelligence and edge computing devices have optimized internet usages in everyday life. The growth of 5G networks is effective in the AI/ML algorithms due to its low latency and high bandwidth, which also performs real-time analysis, reasoning, and optimization. The 5G era has fundamental features that are highlighted among the revolutionary techniques which are most commonly used by cellular device networks, such as the resource management of radio, mobility management, and service management, and so on. This work also integrates the selection of spectrum and access the spectrum which AI-based interface to accomplish demands of 5G. The strategies which are introduced are Fractional Knapsack Greedy-based strategy and Language Hyperplane approach which becomes the basis of subsequently utilized by strategies of Artificial Intelligence for purpose of the selection of spectrum and the right allocation of spectrum for IoT-enabled sensor networks.

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