
The sixth sense is a multi-platform app for aiding the people in need that is people who are handicapped in the form of lack of speech (dumb), lack of hearing (deaf), lack of sight (blind), lack of judicial power to differentiate between objects (visual agnosia) and people suffering from autism (characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts). Our current implementation of the product is on two platforms, namely, mobile and a web app. The mobile app even works for object detection cases in offline mode. What we want to achieve using this is to make a better world for the people suffering from disabilities as well as an educational end for people with cognitive disabilities using our app. The current implementation deals with object recognition and text to speech and a speech to text converter. The speech to text converter and text to speech converter utilized the Web Speech API (Application Program Interface) for the website and text to speech and speech to text library for the mobile platform. The object recognition wouldn't fetch enough use out of a website. Hence, it has been implemented on the mobile app utilizing the Firebase ML toolkit and different pre-trained models, which are both available offline as well as online.

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