
In today’s competitive world software organizations are moving towards global software development environment where experts in teams from different geographical locations and different cultures are working on their roles and responsibilities to deliver a quality and cost-effective product. These teams are distributed in nature and work on same set of goals and objectives. They are undertaking their assignments to get multiple advantages like global exposure, new software world to explore, learning environment, etc. This change is having a significant effect on marketing and distribution as well as on the way software products are perceived, designed, developed, tested, and delivered to customers. Software experts in Global Software Development environment are also facing many challenges like as well. Moreover, risk is a big challenge out of other challenges but not many researchers addressed risk related to Time, Budget and Resources. Developing software projects to address business needs and requirements is so exceedingly complex and troublesome that it is common for software projects to overrun budgets and exceed scheduled completion dates. Business managers need the whole development process streamlined and more manageable, with projected cost and timings and for better decision making. The utilization of artificial intelligence techniques to manage risk is helpful when taking care of and assessing unstructured information because of the self-learning and self-healing nature of artificial intelligence-based algorithms. In this paper an Artificial Intelligence based architecture has been proposed that reduces risk by using Time, Budget and Resource constraints that will help decision maker to take decisions and get optimal solutions.

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