
The article is devoted to the short synopsis of the problems of the “Strong” AI in the context of its coevolution with the society. The contribution to formation and development of AI of the English mathematician A. Turing is noted. The short analysis of concepts of the American futurologist R. Kurzweil, the English physicist S. Hawking, French scientist and philosopher Jean-Claude Heudin is given. The article considers character of possible consequences of impact of artificial intelligence on human life and civilization. Generally speaking, consequences of technological singularity can vary, while one of the possible outcomes is quite optimistic, other thinkers advocate for quite skeptic and even alarmist and pessimistic approach. In order to achieve advancement and development of our civilization, we need to anticipate consequences of technological advancements and implement the AI wisely. A man has to remain responsible for the acts as it distinguishes him from all other creations, be it living or artificial.

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