
Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging in our daily lives, making wiser robots and machine learning a reality. Some of our important decisions, either professional or personal, such as in the realm of entertainment, are already predetermined by the algorithms of AI. Our society, and our workforce, including university graduates, will soon, if not now, face unanticipated challenges in the labor market, not to mention their daily routines, due to new “learned” machine actions. Educational systems have the challenge and opportunity to train and re-train the new cadre of professionals in the development of more cognitive skills. Among these skills are Information competencies—the knowledge tools of any cognitive human action— that will enable them to compete in the job arena. In this conceptual paper, the basic role of information competencies in the development of cognitive skills demanded by the new artificial intelligence decision-making economy and the shifting of current jobs into new ones, and the opportunities for higher education will be discussed, reviewing current literature to identify IL potential strategies that can be deployed in higher education to enhance students’ cognitive skills.

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