
Artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics are evolving as innovative tools in a wide range of areas, from economic activity to public policy, and from individual safety to national security. The healthcare industry and medical practices have also undergone remarkable changes using AI /analytics technologies and learning algorithms. Indeed, artificial intelligence and analytics have yielded a bunch of promising results, not only in the numerous academic works published every year, but also in impressive applications being implemented worldwide. The paper sums up the publications related to AI in healthcare in the past five years and summarizes the latest progress in its applications of this advanced technology. The paper also discusses the current challenges and ethical concerns being faced by the healthcare industry as well as the governments. The purpose of this article is to analyze the trends of the latest scientific developments, to understand the enormous potential of AI and data analytics in healthcare, and to put forward suggestions to cope with the healthcare problems as well as predict futuristic artificial intelligence and analytics applications. Two case studies are provided to showcase the applications of AI and data analytics.

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