
Two procedures for predicting the carcinogenicity of chemicals are described. One of these (CASE) is a self-learning artificial intelligence system that automatically recognizes activating and/or deactivating structural subunits of candidate chemicals and uses this to determine the probability that the test chemical is or is not a carcinogen. If the chemical is predicted to be carcinogen, CASE also projects its probable potency. The second procedure (CPBS) uses Bayesian decision theory to predict the potential carcinogenicity of chemicals based upon the results of batteries of short-term assays. CPBS is useful even if the test results are mixed (i.e. both positive and negative responses are obtained in different genotoxic assays). CPBS can also be used to identify highly predictive as well as cost-effective batteries of assays. For illustrative purposes the ability of CASE and CPBS to predict the carcinogenicity of a carcinogenic and a non-carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is shown. The potential for using the two methods in tandem to increase reliability and decrease cost is presented.

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