
Artificial intelligence (AI) is scaling rapidly in higher education globally. Considering the increasing significance of artificial intelligence in higher education (AIHEd) and the absence of a comprehensive review on it, this paper delves into the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in higher education (AIHEd), its academic integrity and ethical concerns. The study has applied qualitative approach by using literature review as a research design and method to facilitate the aim of the study.The analysis of the paper reveals that AI has the potential to make a significant contribution to enhancing teaching and learning experiences, improving productivity and efficiency, as well as fostering inclusivity and accessibility. On the contrary, the increasing utilization of AI in higher education (AIHEd) raises the concerns about academic integrity and ethical issues, as it has the potential to lead to plagiarism, impede critical thinking, suppress creativity, and erode originality in teaching, research, and scholarship. Hence, upholding the integrity of scientific research requires a rigorous commitment to ethical and academic principles, placing human intelligence and critical thinking at the forefront of the research process. The advancement of artificial intelligence in higher education not only brings significant advantages, but also poses challenges to the fundamental principles, methodologies, standards, ethical considerations and academic integrity in both teaching and research. As a result, the primary focus should be on embracing the opportunities and benefits that arise from this advancement and effectively addressing any potential risks and challenges.

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