
Artificial fever therapy now occupies a commanding position in the management of neurosyphilis. During the eighteen years that has elapsed since the monumental researches of Wagner-Jauregg 1 in the malaria therapy of dementia paralytica, it has become more and more apparent that simple fever production is the one factor common to the great variety of infectious, chemical and physical agencies that have been employed as substitutes for malaria therapy. This observation has led to a diligent search for physical methods which would overcome the inconstancy and hazards that attend the production of artificial fever by infectious agents, such as malaria, rat-bite fever or relapsing fever. Experiments in fever production have been conducted with many physical modalities (hot baths, hot air, diathermy, radiothermy and electric blankets). While comparable clinical results may be obtained with any of these methods, it has been recognized that many possess inherent hazards. In a previous report,

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