
This is the second in a series of papers which deals with the creation of artificial electron clouds by the ejection of proper contaminants into the upper atmosphere. It presents those general considerations which are common to the several papers to follow. A square-well model is used to describe the distribution of the ejected contaminant immediately after the fast initial expansion. The diffusion equation is applied to this model and the salient features are noted. Basic equations are applied to this simplified model to describe the electron generative and decay processes on a term-by-term basis, in order to ascertain the relaxation times involved for the several interrelated problems. Chemical consumption of the alkali metal contaminant by reaction with the ambient species is found to be negligible above 95 km. It is concluded that “for generation methods similar to those outlined here the practical altitude limits of generation of long lived electron clouds is between about 70 and 200 km; chemical consumption determines the lower while the diffusion process establishes the upper limit.

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