
Large Ruminants in Tropical Environment, they are buffaloes and cattle. In Thailand, as an area of hot climate and high humidity, the animals were subjected to adapt themselves not only temperature but even more harder in adaptation to humidity. Environment interaction among the nutrition plants and biological responses on temperature and humidity contributed greatly to depress the genetic expression. Production of large ruminant is, therefore, in tropical environment mainly focused on reproduction and health care. Natural selection was resulted in well performance but low reproductive rate. According to author’s career as a chemist and biochemist she has been much concentrating on biological regulation for enhancing fertility and growth with co-incidentally better health care. The three aspects of achievement of fertility, growth and health within one injection may be called “Three in One that is Mato-Matid technology” However, Mato-Matid technology did provide a great deal of prime biological responses positively to several reproductive technologies in which some of them may be regarded as artificial breeding like IVM/IVF/IVC/ET/ Cloning.

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