
Blood samples collected from animals are sometimes not analysed immediately due to remoteness from the laboratories, unavailability of equipment and reagents and power outages especially in developing countries. This study investigated the artifactual changes in the haematological values of Hetroclarias hybrid blood stored at room (30 °C) and refrigerator (5 °C) temperatures. Twelve apparently healthy fish weighing between 700 and 900 g were used for the study. Samples were immediately upon collection divided into two parts and haematological determinations carried out at six hourly intervals from 0 to the 36th hour and then at the 48th hour. Results showed significant reduction (p 0.05) at the refrigerator temperature. There were significant increases (p 0.05) were observed at refrigerator temperature. There were significant reductions (p 0.05) was observed at the refrigerator temperature. HBC values recorded did not vary significantly (p > 0.05) in both temperatures all through the study. Reliable PCV, HBC, RBC, WBC and mean corpuscular values can be obtained up to the 48th hour at refrigerator temperature while at room temperature, reliable PCV, RBC, MCV and MCHC can be obtained at the 36th hour and MCH and WBC up to the 30th hour of storage.

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