
Articles and Publications Christopher Densmore and Barbara Addison An annotated bibliography of the titles listed below is available at the Friends Historical Association website: www.haverford.edu/library/fha Alice Southern, "The Rowntree History Series and the Growth of Liberal Quakerism," Quaker Studies, 16.1 (Sept. 2011), 7-73, puts forward the thesis that Quakers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century used history to construct a liberal view of Quakerism. Keeping Us Honest, Stirring the Pot: a Festschrift in Honor of H. Larry Ingle, edited by Chuck Fager; associate editor: Becky Ingle (Fayetteville, NC: Kimo Press, 2011), includes scholarly essays on Quaker history, reminiscences about Larry Ingle, a selection of his shorter works, and a complete bibliography of his writings. John Woolman and the Affairs of Truth: the Journalist's Essays, Epistles, and Ephemera, edited by James Proud (San Francisco, CA: Inner Light Books, 2010), gathers together in one volume all the known writings of John Woolman (excluding the Journal) which were intended for general readers, including previously unpublished texts. Jon Kershner, "The (Com)Motion of Love: Theological Formation in John Woolman's Itinerant Ministry," Quaker Religious Thought, no. 116/117 (Dec. 2011), 23-36, provide another perspective on Woolman. Dear Friend: Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks; edited by Paul Buckley (San Francisco: Inner Light Books, 2011), includes letters and essays by Hicks as well as notes by the editor. Historical Dictionary of the Friends (Quakers), Margery Post Abbott et al. (Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2012), is an expanded second edition. Geoffrey Durham, The Spirit of the Quakers (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010), is an overview of Friends and their beliefs through selected writings including passages from the journals of George Fox, John Woolman, Mary Penington and Pierre Ceresole. The first generation of Quakerism continues to be a major interest. Hillary Hinds, George Fox and Early Quaker Culture (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011), examines the distinctiveness and cultural practices of early Quakerism. David L. Wykes, "Early Religious Dissent in Surrey after the Restoration," Southern History, [England] 33 (2011), 54-75, examines the treatment of Quakers and other dissenters under the Act of Conformity from 1662 to 1672. Other works include Carme Font Paz, "'I Have Written the Things Which I Did Hear, See, Tasted and Handled': Selfhood and Voice in Katherine Evans' and Sarah Cheevers' A Short Relation of Their Sufferings (1662)," Sederi-Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, 20 (2010), 27-56; Erin Bell, "The Early Quakers, the Peace Testimony and Masculinity in England, 1660-1720," Gender & History, 23.2 (August 2011), 283-300; La Tonia Winston, No Sex in the Soul: Proto-Feminist Theology in 17th [End Page 39] Century British Quakerism - Toward Egalitarian Relationships Between Women and Men in Ministry (Thesis (M.A.) — Regent University, 2010); James Mawdesley, "Quakers, Tithe Opposition, and the Presbyterian National Church: the Case of Cartmel, Lancashire, c. 1644-1660," Journal of Historical Sociology, 24.3 (Sept. 2011), 381-408; Krista J. Kesselring, "Gender, the Hat, and Quaker Universalism in the Wake of the English Revolution," The Seventeenth Century, 26.2 (Oct. 2011), 299-322; and Richard Bailey, «Muggletonian-Quaker Debates,» Quaker Studies, 16.1 (Sept. 2011), 74-84, focusing on theological understandings of the nature of Christ. Leslie Forster Stevenson, Open to New Light: Quaker Spirituality in Historical and Philosophical Context (Exeter [UK]; Charlottesville VA: Imprint Academic, 2012), is about the "the meaning of life" or "the spiritual quest" from Socrates to Kant, George Fox and Robert Barclay. The Experience of Revolution in Stuart Britain and Ireland: Essays for John Morrill, edited by Michael J. Braddick and David L. Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), includes two Quaker-related essays: "On Shaky Ground: Quakers, Puritans, Possession, and High Spirits" by Tom Webster, and "The Cromwellian Legacy of William Penn" by Mary K. Geiter. Recent Quaker interpretations of the importance of seventeenth century Friends include Anne Adams, "The Vision of Early Friends," The Friends Quarterly, 39.3 (Aug. 2011), 34-40; David Ian Hamilton, "Formed in the Will of Life: Isaac Penington and Spiritual Growth," The Friends Quarterly, 39.4 (Nov. 2011), 41-46; and Lu Harper, Plow Up the Fallow Ground: a Meditation...

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