
This study was conducted on Mehalwonze- Zego forest in North Shewa zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, A Transect sampling method was used to collect vegetation data. Sixty seven(67) plots of 20m × 20m were laied each at 300m intervals and five subplots of 2m × 2m, one in the center and four in the corner of the main plots, were laid for seedling and sapling inventory. Vegetation parameters such as DBH >2.5cm, H ≥2.5m of as well as seedling and sapling density with five sub plots of 2m × 2m. A total of 55 woody species belonging to 51 genera and 38 families were identified. The density of seedlings, saplings and matured woody plants in all of the plots were 1302, 1517 and 905 individuals, respectively. Importance Value Index (IVI) of each species were calculated, based on this value the conservation priority classes was done which indicated that there are woody species that require urgent conservation. The total basal area of the forest was 67.96 m2/ha. DBH and height class distribution of woody spcies confirms that the forest is under a secondary stage of development. Based on the results of regeneration assessment, conservation priority should be given for species with poor regeneration status.

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