
The issue of “animal rights” is part of a larger, overriding problem of the rights of all living beings to an habitable earth. The dangers posed to the overall environment by researchers who are insensitive to their animal subjects is not unlike that of animal rights activists who are equally unaware of the adverse effects which arise from some of their own daily actions. The present paper looks at both the world of science and antivivisection, making the case that all of us must begin to appreciate more fully the concept of there being limits to growth and the need to make better use of life sustaining resources still available. Issues involved in the debate over ethics in animal research are extremely complex. Greater wisdom must be sought out and exercised in order to lead us toward policies that will work out best in the long run for both people and other animals. Scientists should not overreact to criticism of animal exploration and study which truly benefits the survival of all life on earth. Furthermore, researchers cannot escape the logic that if the animals we observe are reasonable models of our own most intricate actions, then they must be respected as we would respect our own sensibilities. We cannot defend our scientific work with animals on the basis of the similarities between them and ourselves and then defend it morally on the basis of differences. Although many people criticize animal research in seemingly irrational ways, it behooves our society to note that increasing numbers of scientists as well as clinicians are criticizing animal research on scientific grounds. Finally, critics of the animal rights movement, such as David Johnson, are not “wrong” for reporting their observations. Excesses are to be found, of course, just as they are found within the animal research institution and in our own daily lives. As scientists, we should look at all sides. The treatment of animals and humans, as well as all life, is a question of balance.

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