
To evaluate mid-term clinical outcomes, complications, bone-block healing, and positioning using suture-button fixation for an arthroscopic Latarjet procedure. Patients with traumatic recurrent anterior instability and glenoid bone loss underwent guided arthroscopic Latarjet with suture-button fixation. We included patients with anterior shoulder instability, glenoid bone loss >20%, and radiographic and clinical follow-up minimum of 24months. Patients with glenoid bone loss <20% or those that refused computed tomography imaging were excluded. Bone-block fixation was accomplished with 2 cortical buttons connected with a looped suture (4 strands). The looped suture was tied posteriorly with a sliding-locking knot. After transfer of the bone block on the anterior neck of the scapula, compression (100N) was obtained with the help of a tensioning device. Clinical assessment was performed at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and then yearly with computed tomography completed at 2 weeks and 6 months to confirm bony union. A consecutive series of 136 patients underwent arthroscopic Latarjet with 121 patients (89%; mean age 27 years) available at final follow-up (mean follow-up, 26months; range, 24-47months). No neurologic complications or hardware failures were observed; no patients had secondary surgery for implant removal. The transferred coracoid process healed to the scapular neck in 95% of the cases (115/121). The bone block did not heal in 4 patients; it was fractured in 1 and lysed in another. Smoking was a risk factor associated with nonunion (P < .001). The coracoid graft was positioned flush to the glenoid face in 95% (115/121) and below the equator in 92.5% (112/121). At final follow-up, 93% had returned to sports, whereas 4 patients (3%) had a recurrence of shoulder instability. The subjective shoulder value for sports was 94 ± 3.7%. Mean Rowe and Walch-Duplay scores were 90 (range, 40-100) and 91 (range, 55-100), respectively. Suture-button fixation is an alternative to screw fixation for the Latarjet procedure, obtaining predictable healing with excellent graft positioning, and avoiding hardware-related complications. There was no need for hardware removal after suture-button fixation. The systematic identification of the axillary and musculocutaneous nerves reduced risk of neurologic injury. A low instability recurrence rate and excellent return to pre-injury activity level was found. Suture-button fixation is simple, safe, and may be used for both open and arthroscopic Latarjet procedure. Level IV, therapeutic case series.

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