
Thirty children with upper extremity arterial trauma were retrospectively reviewed. Trauma was penetrating in 87% of cases and in 53% injury was caused by broken plate glass. The injured artery was repaired in all but four cases. Nerves were injured in 53% and tendons in 23%. All severed nerves and tendons were repaired primarily. Postoperatively three children with proximal injuries had no palpable pulse in the affected extremity. One patient died of underlying disease and another required amputation during initial surgery due to extensive soft-tissue injury. Followup revealed no dysfunction directly related to vascular insufficiency. Neurologic deficit was found in 33% of the children followed, but only in one was the limb totally nonfunctional. We conclude that the long-term outcome is largely dependent upon neurologic injury. Glass doors and large glass windows should be avoided in the vicinity of children's play areas.

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